3 Tips for Moist and Healthy Lips According to Experts - Beauty Fimela.com

2022-09-17 01:07:29 By : Mr. Havad He

Fimela.com, Jakarta Healthy lips that are moist and supple are definitely what many people want.But not infrequently the health of the lips is also neglected and prioritizes facial health.Even though healthy lips add to your beauty points, you know.Of course, realizing naturally beautiful lips requires effort.There are some things to watch out for, bad habits to get rid of and also certain products to use for the lips.Reporting from Radiance by WebMD, here are things you should do and avoid to achieve beautiful lips.Lips are parts of the body that do not have oil glands so they dry out more easily.The habit of licking your lips and breathing through your mouth can strip your lips of moisture and make them dry.Drink lots of water to overcome dry lips and reduce these bad habits.Moisturizing products such as lip balms are great for helping to keep lips moisturized.Dermatologists recommend the following ingredients in your lip balm.Among them are castor seed oil, hemp seed oil, mineral oil, petrolatum, shea butter, and white petroleum jelly‌.Apply lip balm repeatedly for good moist lips.Some of the ingredients in skin care products can actually dry out your lips.Friends of Fimela must pay attention to lip products such as lip balm, lipstick, lip cream, and other products that do not contain the following ingredients, namely vitamin A, eucalyptus, menthol, camphor, flavorings such as cinnamon, citrus, mint, and peppermint, salicylic acid, and propyl gallateHopefully the 3 tips above will help Fimela's friends overcome lip problems and can create beautiful and healthy lips.